The ACRE Library is a growing archive of artists’ books and publications, reflecting the artistic practices of its residents. Feel free to browse the online catalogue or contact to make an appointment
- Title
- Publisher
- Contributors
|][\ self-published
- Melanie Teresa Bohrer
A Bit of Matter and a Little Bit More haubrok foundation, Hantje Cantz
- Konstantin Haubrok
Alphabet Forest self-published
- Courtesy Elfi Seidel
Asphalt, Steine, Scherben Vexer
BLISS self-published, Gloria Glitzer
- Moritz Grünke
- Gloria Glitzer
Book Mark Pezinger Books
- Courtesy Sammlung Konstantin Haubrok
Book Furniture for Bookworks self-published
Book Stand self-published
- Rahel Zoller
Books are Bridges/ A-Z presents backbonebooks
- Claudia de la Torre
- backbonebooks
Books are Bridges/ aBC Shanghai bookfair backbonebooks
- Claudia de la Torre
- backbonebooks
Calendar 2023
- Jae Kyung Kim
Catalogue of Mistakes self-published
DEAR CLARK Drittel Books
- Sara-Lena Maierhofer
Diamonds are Forever Gloria Glitzer
- Moritz Grünke
- Gloria Glitzer
Die Maschine steht still Hoffman und Campe Verlag
- Kristof Efferenn
Footnotes to Triangular Cartographies K. Verlag
- Anna-Sophie Springer
- K. Verlag
For Tijikko self-published
- Daniel Gustav Cramer
Here is where we met Blumsburry Publishing
- Katharina Siegel
Kustodiev DCV
- Matthew Davis
Last Pages Edition Taube
- Rahel Zoller
Mistakes Were Made Edition Taube, Belmacz London
- Agata Madejska
- Edition Taube
Offenes Buch Hantje Cantz
- Ingo Gerken
Oma’s Bags self-published
- Rahel Zoller
On Bathing Culture self-published
- Anna Paul
On Happiness coy koi books
- Anna Schanowski
Papa’s Benz self-published
- Rahel Zoller
Sieben Zwetschken Spector Books
- Anna Paul
STUDIES OF FALL Outer Space Press
- Magdalena Wysocka
- Outer Space Press
Techne-Mythologies Edizione Multicolore
- Dana Lorenz
- Edizione Multicolore
Thanks for Sharing! D21 Kunstraum, Regine Ehleiter
- Regine Ehleiter
The Dance Floors of England self-published
- Jan Blessing
- Book Book
The Inner Monologue of a Book self-published
Thirty-Six The Green Box
- Daniel Gustav Cramer
Towards A Self Sustainable Publishing Model Public Collectors
- Jae Kyung Kim
Vulkan oder Stein self-published
- Anne Schwalbe
Welcome to Human Club self-published
- Clara Bahlsen
What birds say self-published
- Courtesy Elfi Seidel
Why red M&Mʼs disappeared for almost a decade Edizione Multicolore
- Philip Kanwischer
Zunge [Glossar] self-published
- Dana Lorenz
지속 가능한 독립 출판 모델을 향해 ENKR
- Jae Kyung Kim